33. 古信濃川の自然堤防跡はここにあった(2009年)

English version is available here.


自然堤防(natural levee)とは川の氾濫時に流路に沿って形成される微高地のことであり、洪水を繰り返す川の下流部で発達する。洪水時に溢れ出した土砂が流路の岸に堆積する際、流れに近いところは細かい土砂を沈殿させ、流速に従って流れの外側に向かって砂礫、小石や大きめな丸石を堆積させていき、これらが流れに沿って微高地を形成してゆく。ここに見えている土砂、小石、丸石の堆積はかつての信濃川によって形成された自然堤防であることが先述の調査で明らかにされており、この近傍に縄文人の穴居があったことも判明している。現在の信濃川との位置関係については、過去12,000年以上の間に繰り返された隆起と沈降、堆積と侵食、さらに土石流に押し流されるといった地殻変動(地質作用)によって説明することができる。こうした盛んな地殻変動を経て、縄文草創期の自然堤防が破壊されずそのまま残されていることは、極めて稀であるという。十日町市の許可を得て再発掘を行ったものである。

Natural levee of old Shinano river has excavated here in this area, 2009

The “Kubodera Minami Site” investigation conducted by the former Nakazato Village Education Board has confirmed the presence of an ancient natural levee of the old Shinano River on the terrace of the Shinano River. This levee served as the archaeological basis for two projects: “Where Did the River Go?” in 2000 and “The Shinano River Once Flowed 25 Meters Higher” in 2003.

A natural levee is a slightly elevated landform that forms along a river channel during floods, developing predominantly in the downstream sections where flooding is recurrent. During such floods, the overflowing sediments deposit along the riverbanks. Closer to the flow, finer sediments settle, while towards the outer edges of the flow, coarser materials such as gravel, pebbles, and larger rounded stones accumulate, forming an elevated ridge along the stream. The deposits of sediment, pebbles, and stones visible here have been identified in the aforementioned survey as remnants of a natural levee formed by the former Shinano River. It has also been revealed that a Jomon period pit dwelling was located nearby. The current geographical relationship with the Shinano River can be explained by repeated geological processes over the past 12,000 years, including uplifts, subsidences, sedimentation, erosion, and landslides that have reshaped the landscape. The fact that such an early Jomon period natural levee has remained intact despite these intense geological activities is extremely rare.

The re-excavation was carried out with the permission of Tokamachi City.