35. 土のオベリスク(信濃川火炎土器プロジェクトの協賛プロジェクト)(2009年)

English version is available here.

信濃川流域には古くから人々が暮らしており、豊かな縄文文化があった。笹山遺跡から出土した火炎土器は日本の特筆すべき代表的な事例として評価されており、 国宝に指定されている。こうした新潟市の貴重な歴史文化遺産に関連して発案されたプロジェクトである。新潟市内に点在する縄文時代から平安時代の遺跡より出土した土器を、土の中のできるだけ自然のままの姿で体験してもらった。


Obelisk of Soil, 2009

The Shinano River basin has been inhabited since ancient times, boasting a rich Jomon culture. The flame pottery excavated from the Sasayama site is regarded as a notable and representative example of Japan’s cultural heritage and has been designated as a national treasure. This project was conceived in relation to such precious historical and cultural heritage of Niigata City. Visitors are provided an opportunity to experience pottery from the Jomon to the Heian periods, excavated from sites scattered throughout Niigata City, in as natural a state as possible within the earth.

An obelisk, commonly erected during ancient Egypt, is believed to have originally been trapezoidal, becoming taller and slimmer over time. Traditionally, it is considered to have held protective and defensive significances. It is noteworthy that the exhibition plan for this project was unusual and sparked diverse opinions.