01:Shinetsu Border Akiyama Map


This is a map of Suzuki Bokushi’s exploration of Akiyama Province, which he visited in 1828 after a journey of several days from his hometown of Shiozawa. In Akiyama Province, believed to have been founded by the descendants of the Heike clan, Bokushi meticulously recorded the local customs, including the lives of the people, artifacts, and taxes, driven by his unique interest and keen observational skills. This work, “Akiyama Kiko,” has been scrutinized and analyzed by numerous scholars, but my particular interest lies in how and where Bokushi Suzuki crossed the Nakatsu River to reach the opposite bank. Specifically, Bokushi, who entered the province from Midama, referred to Shimizu Gawahara as “the first village in Akiyamago.” The key question is whether he crossed to the opposite bank of the Nakatsu River at Sakemaki during his journey.

Although Bokushi mentioned and illustrated Sarutobi Bridge (a bridge made by connecting logs), the crucial point is whether he crossed it, thus moving from the left bank to the right bank of the Nakatsu River. This is significant for estimating the water flow of the Nakatsu River in August 1824. Bokushi frequently expressed his fear of crossing rivers in his illustrations. Through these accounts, we gain insight into the daily lives of the pioneers who lived in constant danger in Akiyama Province. It certainly was not an idyllic utopia.