38. 阿賀野川はここを蛇行していた(2009年)

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Agano River Meandered Here, Then Became an Oxbow Lake, 2009

This area was once known as “Ko-Aga(Old Aga)” and features a crescent-shaped lake left behind by the turbulent flow of the unruly Agano River. It is now a habitat where rare aquatic plants such as the endangered Asaza and Gaga-buta thrive. Historically, the lagoon spanned nearly 90 meters, and local residents used to cross back and forth by pulling on ropes stretched to the opposite bank. An event allowing participants to experience the boat transport that recreated the scenery of bygone days was also planned. Detailed information about the Agano River can be found in the lead article “What Can Be Seen from the Environmental Resource Inventory” of the Water and Soil Art Festival 2009 catalog. To better understand the projects of the same art festival, it is recommended to refer to the aforementioned lead article and the six diagrams that illustrate its arguments.