43. パリのセーヌ川にはかつて3本の支流があった─バック川、ビエーヴル川(2013年)

English version is available here.


バック(Bac)川については、現在のオルセー美術館の東側、ロワイヤル橋の左岸に痕跡の残る流入口からバック通リ(Rue de Bac)、サン・プラシド通リに沿ってノートルダム・デ・シャン通とモンパルナス大通りの交差するリュクサンブール公園の南端地点までの3.5kmを記録。


Paris Once Had Three Tributaries of the Seine: the Bac River and the Bièvre River, 2013

As indicated by its title, this video documentary traces the remnants of tributaries of the Seine River that once flowed through the old parts of Paris, subsequently buried under the city post-Ottoman urban planning. These areas, now repurposed for roads and other land uses, still hint at their watery past through slopes and curves in the landscape.

Regarding the Bac River, the video covers a 3.5 km stretch starting from the remnants of an inlet on the east side of the Musée d’Orsay, near the Pont Royal on the Left Bank, along Rue de Bac and Rue Saint-Placide, up to the intersection with Rue Notre-Dame des Champs and Boulevard Montparnasse at the southern edge of Luxembourg Gardens.

The Bièvre River, historically referred to as the “Beaver River,” is documented from its entry between the City Botanical Garden and Austerlitz, heading south, circumnavigating Gobelins Street and the Butte aux Cailles, to reach Kellermann Park, covering approximately 5 km. Along this route, circular metal plaques bearing the name of the Bièvre River are embedded into the road every few meters, marking the historic river course.