50. 「もつれるものたち」展(東京都現代美術館・KADIST共同企画)(2020年)

English version is available here.



Things Entangling : a collaboration between MOT and KADIST, 2020

Since 1974, the artist has conducted environmental resource surveys across Japan, documenting and non-artistically interpreting the unique environmental resources and data derived from natural activities and environmental changes. Since 2000, in projects such as the “Echigo-Tsumari Art Triennale,” the artist has explored the relationships between the land, social history, and natural conditions, aiming to recreate ancient natural behaviors through large-scale outdoor installations, with an emphasis on explaining these concepts to the local community. In these creative processes, the artist is particularly devoted to eschewing the obscure justifications associated with “contemporary art,” striving instead for expressions and explanations that are accessible to everyone.

This exhibition presents a range of the artist’s visual expression techniques and visions, from abstract representations to map-making based on well-established regional environmental information databases, highlighting underlying concerns and issues. The large-scale work “Uncertain Wind Directions” (1998) abstractly represents the constantly changing wind as a natural energy using symbolic elements. “Personal Landscape” (2000-2001) depicts the terrain, flora, hydrology, and people’s lifestyles observed by the artist during a visit to a region in France, integrated as structural and functional elements of the landscape in varying colors, shapes, and lines. This approach transcends mere visual impressions of landscapes, focusing instead on actively deciphering the mechanisms that compose them.