

English Version is Available鈴木牧之が1828年に故郷の塩沢から十数日をかけて訪ねた秋山郷探索の絵図である。平家の落人が開祖と言われてきた秋山郷において、独特の興味と観察眼から人、文物、年貢などの生活慣習を記録している。この『秋山記行』は多くの先達の研究者により検証、論述されているが、私が興味を持ったのは鈴木牧之がどこの地点でどのように中津川を超え対岸に渡ったのかという...

001:Before the Rain ─ A Conjectural Study of Suzuki Bokushi’s “Akiyama Kikou” : A Travelogue through Rural Japan ─ Yukihisa Isobe

日本語はこちらSuzuki Bokushi's 'Akiyama Kiko' is an account of his journey from September 8 to 14, 1828, on the old lunar calendar. He traveled from Ima-Tama in Niigata Prefecture up the Nakatsu River to the...

001:驟雨がくる前に:『秋山紀行』の自然学的視点からの推考の試み ── 磯辺行久

English Version is Available『秋山紀行』は鈴木牧之が旧暦1828年9月8〜14日の1週間にわたり、新潟県の現・見玉より中津川を上流に向かって、信濃の雑魚川と越後の魚野川が合流する切明に至る峡谷地域を歩んだ記録である。東⻄に点在する13の群落を含む峡谷地域における観察・聞き取りの文章、スケッチが含まれており、秋山郷の村の状況、支配従属関係、貢租関係、生産歴、衣食住、方言、...

Red Parachute Canopy

"Floating Theater, LIFE on the Moon" Gimbels Department Store, NY. Filmed and edited by Jud Yalkut Parachute used as the screen in a multi-media projection during a performance at State University Col...

Phoenix House Summer Happening. Hart Island, New York City [30 Aug 1970]

“Drug-Free Music Festival to Rock Hart Island” The 2nd annual Phoenix House Summer Happing had taken place on 30 Aug 1970, from 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. at Hart Island(Bronx, NYC) with 8,000 people expected...



Earth Day Air Inflatable Structure on Union Square 14th street, NY. [22 APR 1970]

The bubble of Earth Day: Structure on Union Sq, 5th ave, designed by Yukihisa Isobe was an inflated air structure(100m length, 90m width, 30m height) sponsored by Earth People’s of Park, a New York co...

Phoenix group encounter on therapy program (Reach out)

Encounters by therapeutic method are not the answer to everything , but now that we see a growing popular quest for more up-to-date testimony only about Friend of Phoenix Group Therapy encounters, and only as I know them. It’s means group of encounter that I belong to and take part in for many reasons

Wind Direction Undefinable[Northern Alps Art Festival 2020-2021]

The site of this work, Nanakura Dam, an example of land reclamation, is a rock-fill dam with a height of 125 meters and a 340-meter crest, which produces 1,280,000kW of electricity.Yukihisa Isobe, an ...

Things Entangling